frustrated-writerFurther Adventures of Tech Challenged Blogger
If you have patiently pursued my adventures upto starting this blog, let me give you a close up.
Author, head tilted on one side, tongue slightly out,  eyes squinted, typing laboriously with one finger.
Suddenly he looks up to see the screen  blank. Curses a bit, goes back to menu- is clueless, calls someone and finds cursor had not been clicked at the right place. Starts again.
Occasionally he hits a wrong key or absent mindedly rests his elbow on the keyboard or rests the TV remote, beer glass, ash tray or the book he is reading on the said long suffering keyboard.
Note: author is an incurable multitasking addict-he is writing the blog, reading Fay Weldon, watching Anger Management or Star World, has FB open on laptop, reading whatsapp messages on phone, sipping beer, eating chips, smoking and trying to keep the ash from burning holes in his Bob Marley T shirt.
Net result, strange messages appear or writing disappears or large gaps appear in script.
Many entities later, his scornful offspring restores the original frame as if by magic and work proceeds.
A slightly tattered looking piece results, large parts of it in capital letters, paragraphs MIA,  various red and blue squiggly things underlining the words.
Disgruntled daughter cajoled into unscrambling the mess and author discovers it is easy to create space, the squiggles are the red marks teacher used to put- bad spelling and grammar. But opinion on spelling and grammar seemed to differ between computer and author, till the difference between the american and english usage  dawned on him.
But just before the happy ending the screen goes dark and he discovers that the little message he was ignoring was telling him to add power source and the battery goes dead.
On the verge of tears, charger is connected and after an eon of heart stopping sight of a revolving wheel, the sign “restore screen” appears -then excitement as the picture is back. Thank God for autosave-its not only Jesus who saves -so does Microsoft word.
Now some editing and copy paste- a blog is born
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  1. Good to know that despite all the ‘challenges’, the author successfully managed to keep the Bob Marley T whole and hole-free. Or did he? 🙂
    Wondering – Is the ‘text’ and ‘tech’ difference between the title and the first line, respectively, intentional? Or it is proof of exactly what both the sentences are trying to say? 🙂


    1. Further proof that he is shortsighted and tech challenged, uhh or is he text challenged? :).

      My dear old school mate, your formatting is a mess, but your words ring clear with bell like tones!

      I can show you proof ( I am an ex-techie, after all) that multi-tasking actually gives you value much, much later than single tasking. So mend thy ways, eschew tobacco, give up the devil water, turn off the TV, and focus on the blog. Chips? Ah no, we must have chips! Books? No way we can give those up!


  2. Though the first one had better story this is crisper to read. An improvement!
    Who is Bob Marley? Where are your T shirts?


  3. I am tech challenged enough to get my comments as ‘anonymous’ unwittingly (or dim wittingly). I would like to rectify because in my youth anonymous was a very prolific popular salacious writer and I wouldn’t like to claim his/her/their exalted status.


  4. thank you.Marley was the god of reggae musichis band was the Wailers
    .he was a Rastafarian guru from Jamaica.his gravestone in Paris is a musicians pilgrimage spot.all my tshirts are motheaten


  5. …no wonder you are wearing Bob Marley’s T shirts.
    You couldn’t have foreseen how whimsically the T shirts have taken the center stage and the protagonist blogger (and Bob Marley) forgotten 🙂


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